

We are a non-profit Christian organization registered in Netherlands, Canada and Spain. We aim to help the persecuted Christians of all the following categories.

According to the different credible reports Pakistan is one of the most dangerous places on earth to live as Christians. In recent years many poor and innocent Christians have been falsely accused, tortured and even killed under the pretext of Pakistan’s blasphemy law. This law has become such an easy tool to persecute Christians that it is often used unfairly to resolve a trivial dispute, a personal grudge or property matters.

Muslims, who find the light of truth in Christ and want to embrace Christian faith put their lives at stake because by doing so they commit the crime of apostasy which is punishable by death. The law, authorities, family and society, persecute and even kill Muslims who accept Christ as their Savior.

Thousands of Christians are enslaved in brick kilns in Pakistan who in the time of desperate need such as medical urgencies, survival due to the unemployment or other family reasons borrow the loan from Muslim landlords of brick kilns. When failing to pay it back they are forced to live and work in brick kilns as means of loan´s repayment. They are physically and verbally abused, ill-treated and face inhumane conditions. They are not capable to feed their families properly. They live without basic health facilities and can’t even afford the proper medical checkup. Many Christians have been killed in those brick kilns and many women and young girls were raped in recent years.

Each year around 1,000 Christian girls and women in Islamic Republic of Pakistan are kidnapped, forced to convert to Islam and marry with their abductors at the gunpoint. In majority of the cases the identity and whereabouts of the abductors are known yet no action is taken as the Pakistani police colludes with the kidnappers if bribed significantly. And the victim girls are subjected to sexual violence, rape, forced prostitution, human trafficking and sale, or other domestic abuse. 

The shocking facts reveal that 2 out of every 3 Christian children in Pakistan remain uneducated, and 75% of the approximate 3 million Christians in Pakistan live below the poverty line. If they are not even capable of properly feeding their families, then how are they able to provide a good education to their children! Most of us regard education as a right; however, we tend to overlook the reality, that for most Christian children in today’s Pakistan, it is a wonder that is almost impossible to reach. Empowering them through education has become essential to shape a successful future for the betterment of their families in a country where they are treated as second class citizens.

Thousands of Pakistani Christians are stranded in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Nepal who fled their homeland facing persecution. None of these states are the signatory to the 1951 Geneva Convention of Refugees. Therefore, the governments of these countries do not consider them refugees but treat them as illegal immigrants.

They are not allowed to work legally, they receive no financial support, their children cannot go to school, and many Pakistani Christians have lost their lives during this period due to the lack of medical assistance. 300 families/1000 individuals including elderly people, women and little children from Pakistani Christian community are detained in immigration detention centers which are infamous for their overpopulated, unhygienic and inhumane conditions.

It is our ambition to help our brethren who are discriminated, tortured and ostracized due to their Christian identity in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Most of the time we try to provide them shelter and fulfill their needs within the country but often we must arrange their relocation to other nations in order to save their lives from the radical Mob´s justice. Let us join the hands together to stand beside them and sow a little seed of hope in their lives.