

Pakistan’s blasphemy law is infamous worldwide for its abuse against Christians. In recent years many poor and innocent Christians have been falsely accused, tortured and even killed due to this law. It has become such an easy tool to persecute the minority Christians that it is often wrongfully used to resolve trivial quarrel, personal grudge or property matters.

Often the family members of the accused are abandoned and left in misery when the only financial provider of the family is thrown unjustly behind the bars. We help such individuals who are forced to leave their homes and live in hiding due to a false accusation. We also help the families of those who are detained, and who are at risk of being tortured for being relatives of an alleged blasphemer.

Currently there are approximately 100 Christian families in Pakistan whose loved ones are either being prosecuted for committing blasphemy or are in hiding to avoid persecution and save their lives. Such families often contact us desperately asking for help for their survival or relocation to a safer place within or outside the country.

If you feel pain for your persecuted brothers and sisters in Pakistan who are being harassed unjustifiably and you want to be their helping hand in these difficult moments, you can donate by clicking below or sending your contributions using the following bank details. Your help will bring a smile and dim hope of light to the faces of those persecuted Christians in Pakistan who constantly live under the shadow of the fear and uncertainty.

For further inquiries, you can contact us and we shall provide you with the complete information on how and where your help will be utilized.

Please send your contribution by clicking the following link or using the following bank details.


Bank Details
Bank: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Account name: Protecting Persecuted Christians INC
Account number: 010 07612 2762315