

Each year around 1,000 Christian girls and women in Islamic Republic of Pakistan are kidnapped, forced to convert to Islam and marry their abductors at the gunpoint. 

The victims are usually between the ages of 12 and 25. Very few incidents are reported in the media or to the police. The real number of victims may be even higher because many cases remain unreported, often due to the girls’ families’ limited financial means or due to the fear of the influential Muslim abductors. 

In majority of the cases the identity and whereabouts of the abductors are known yet no action is taken as the Pakistani police colludes with the kidnappers if bribed significantly. And the victim girls are subjected to sexual violence, rape, forced prostitution, human trafficking and sale, or other domestic abuse. 

Most poor Christian families withdraw their complaints due to the fear as their whereabouts are well known to the culprits and they can be easily threatened or physically harmed. This is why in order to achieve success in such cases first of all the victim´s family must be relocated to an unknown safe location where no one can threaten or harm them and they can confidently continue with the judicial battle in order to bring their daughter/sister back.

Recently the number of such incidents has increased to an alarming extent and we need your support to tackle such cases as we don´t want the lives of poor Christian girls to be ruined.

Together, we can save many Christian sisters by providing them timely help, legal support and relocation to a safe place

Please send your contribution by clicking the following link or using the following bank details.


Bank Details
Bank: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Account name: Protecting Persecuted Christians INC
Account number: 010 07612 2762315