

Thousands of Pakistani Christians´ fate is hanging in an endless limbo in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Nepal who fled their homeland facing persecution and found the easiest and cheapest way to enter in these countries. None of these states are the signatory to the 1951 Geneva Convention of Refugees. Therefore, the governments of Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Nepal do not consider them refugees but treat them as illegal immigrants.

The persecuted Christian asylum seekers must file their protection applications with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees with the hopes that they will be heard and provided a safe haven. But their hopes are shattered as they do not receive what they expected.

Christians in Pakistan are discriminated on daily basis. Muslims often falsely accuse Christians of committing blasphemy for settling personal vendetta, property issues or due to the lust for Christian women. Blasphemy law has become an easy tool for Muslims to persecute the Christians. Burning Christian colonies, lynching Christians through mob justice and attacking Churches have become the favorite hobby of radical Muslims, the abduction of young Christian girls, forced conversion to Islam and marriages with Muslim kidnappers at gunpoint are at their peak in Pakistan like never before, yet the UNHCR refuses majority of Christians´ protection applications saying Pakistan is a safe country for Christians.

The Pakistani Christian asylum seekers in these countries are not allowed to work legally, they receive no financial support, their children cannot go to school, and many Pakistani Christians have lost their lives during this period due to the lack of medical assistance.

Above all constant immigration raids change their lives upside down. And those who were lucky to not get caught are forced to change their residence constantly, hiding in Churches and running from one place to another.

Right now approximately 300 families/1000 individuals including elderly people, women and little children from Pakistani Christian community are detained in immigration detention centers which are infamous for their overpopulated, unhygienic and inhumane conditions. In a room with capacity of 5 or 6 detainees more than 20 or 30 people are kept like animals. Physical violence by the police is also very common in such places like prisons.

We distribute food among the most vulnerable families, provide them cash support to enable them to pay their room rents, help them with urgent medical assistance, arrange their relocation to safe third nations if they are lucky ones to get visas granted by western nations, provide support for funeral arrangements for those who lose their lives in a foreign land, support kids with the education and release Christians from immigration detention by paying their bail bond.

With your support we can continue supporting our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters who are stranded in Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Nepal. Please send your contribution by clicking the following link or using any of the following bank details.

Please send your contribution by clicking the following link or using the following bank details.


Bank Details
Bank: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Account name: Protecting Persecuted Christians INC
Account number: 010 07612 2762315