

Slavery is a word little used in the Western world nowadays, and something that we associate with times in past. However, slavery is a practice that still very much exists in countries like Pakistan where there are over 2 million people enslaved and suffering in inhumane working conditions, the majority of whom are Christians.

In the time of desperate need such as medical urgencies, survival due to the unemployment or other family reasons the poor and illiterate Christian families borrow the loan from Muslim landlords of brick kilns. They are happily given the amount which they sought but when failing to pay it back they are forced to live and work in brick kiln as means of loan´s repayment.

No matter how long and how hard they may work the original amount of loan never decreases due to the high interest rate. The employer even insists that Sundays are no longer a rest day so they cannot worship Christ in Church as they so desire to do. For many it has been years that they haven´t received the Holy Communion and couldn´t celebrate the season of Easter or Christmas.

They are physically and verbally abused, ill-treated and face inhumane conditions. They are not capable to feed their families properly. They live without basic health facilities and can’t even afford the proper medical checkup. Their diseases are often diagnosed when it is on the last stage and no treatment is possible then.

Many Christians have been killed in those brick kilns and many women were raped in recent years. It is even more sad that a big percentage of those Christian slaves are minor children who in the age of studying are working in brick kilns in unhygienic conditions in order to help their parents to pay off their loans. It seems like these children have no right to dream for a better childhood.

Our foundation helps such Christian slaves in following manner:

  • Repay their loans to the Muslim landlords (amount varies from 1500 euros to 2500 euros each family).
  • Relocate them to a safe place
  • Provide them financial support to rebuild the lives
  • Provide them with professional trainings
  • Help them sending their children to school

The Word of God says in 1 John 3:17 – “If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person”

Let us follow the Word of God and do something for our Christian brothers and sisters in need as they are part of the body of Christ. To bring a change in the lives of these followers of Jesus we need your kind and generous support, as much as you can. 

Let us join hands to liberate them, provide them education, medical assistance, vocational trainings and skills. Your small seed of love will help them to start a new life and have a little hope for the better future of their families.

Please send your contribution by clicking the following link or using the following bank details.


Bank Details
Bank: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Account name: Protecting Persecuted Christians INC
Account number: 010 07612 2762315