
Prayer for faithfulness & courage

God, help us to proclaim the gospel. Help us not to be ashamed of the gospel, especially for those of us who live in places where there is no religious freedom, where it is a crime to say that Jesus is the only way, truth and life. Where it is unacceptable to claim that except Jesus there is no other God. Where there is a high possibility of being killed for saying that Jesus had warned us of fake preachers who will proclaim themselves as prophets and Gods in order to misguide the believers.

God, help us to be faithful, to follow You fully, give us the wisdom to proclaim You boldly wherever we live, whether we are persecuted or not, in anticipation of the day when persecution will be no more, when we will be welcomed in Your Kingdom. We think about the martyrs around Your throne right now, who are crying out for justice, and You are asking them to wait because more of their number is still to come.

God, if we are to be among that number, then we say, yes Lord, we want to follow You. We want to proclaim You no matter what it costs us in this world. Lord, help us to do so faithfully till our last breath. Help us to endure all the obstacles while following You faithfully and making disciples of all the nations, no matter what it costs all the way to the end. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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