
The innocent childhood in chains of slavery in Pakistan

Slavery is a word little used in the Western world nowadays, and something that we associate with times in past. However, slavery is a practice that still very much exists today in countries like Pakistan where there are over 2 million people enslaved and suffering in inhumane working conditions, the majority of whom are Christians.

It is even more sad that a big percentage of those Christian slaves are minor children who in the age of studying are working in brick kilns in order to help their parents to pay off their loans which never end and keep increasing with high interest rate. Seems like these children have no right to dream for a better childhood.

At a time when these beautiful young souls should be playing and growing as healthy and happy children, they are instead undertaking dangerous manual labor, molding bricks in unhygienic conditions up to 14 hours a day and six days a week lacking basic rights and access to social security under the harsh sun breathing polluted air thick with smoke from the chimneys.

They receive nothing but hatred from their Muslim compatriots and facing verbal abuse and physical harassment have become part of their daily lives. Many of those children have essentially been born into slavery and have known no other life than that of a slave, and their future would be equally bleak if their parents continue to live in debt. They have a place to sleep and food on their plates, but is that compensation really enough for life in chains?

All their parents desire is to come out of this nightmare. They don´t want their children to be treated like animals for the rest of their lives. They want them to have prospect of a better life ahead of them. They pray to Lord Jesus for once again living as free citizens. Please let us know if Lord moves your heart and you want to be part of our mission by liberating one of those slave families and giving them new life.

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