

Pakistan’s blasphemy law is infamous worldwide for its abuse against Christians. In recent years many poor and innocent Christians have been falsely accused, tortured and even killed due to this law. It has become such an easy tool to persecute the minority Christians that it is often wrongfully used to resolve trivial quarrel, personal grudge or property matters.

Each year around 1,000 Christian girls and women in Islamic Republic of Pakistan are kidnapped, forced to convert to Islam and marry their abductors at the gunpoint. The victims are usually between the ages of 12 and 25. Very few incidents are reported in the media or to the police. The real number of victims may be even higher because many cases remain unreported, often due to the girls’ families’ limited financial means or due to the fear of the influential Muslim abductors.  

Slavery is a word little used in the Western world nowadays, and something that we associate with times in past. However, slavery is a practice that still very much exists in countries like Pakistan where there are over 2 million people enslaved and suffering in inhumane working conditions, the majority of whom are Christians.

In Islamic Republic of Pakistan, it will never be easy for a Muslim to abandon Islam and embrace Christianity due to the fear, social and legal bindings. The law, authorities, family and society ostracize, persecute and even kill those Muslims who accept Christ as their Savior.

Education is a tool that can make a positive difference in the lives of those who are not as fortunate as we are for having things that many of us take for granted, such as having a roof over our heads, equal rights, and tolerant society. The shocking facts reveal that 2 out of every 3 Christian children in Pakistan remain uneducated, and 75% of the approximate 3 million Christians in Pakistan live below the poverty line. If they are not even capable of properly feeding their families, then how are they able to provide a good education to their children!

Thousands of Pakistani Christians´ fate is hanging in an endless limbo in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Nepal who fled their homeland facing persecution and found the easiest and cheapest way to enter in these countries. None of these states are the signatory to the 1951 Geneva Convention of Refugees. Therefore, the governments of Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Nepal do not consider them refugees but treat them as illegal immigrants.

Let us follow the Word of God and do something for our Christian brothers and sisters in need as they are part of the body of Christ. To bring a change in the lives of these followers of Jesus we need your kind and generous support, as much as you can.