
Prayer for the tormented Christian community

Heavenly Father, our loving Lord, be with all those who are suffering at the hands of non-believers. Protect them from the devil who intends to persecute our brethren just because they are Your followers, they love You and they adore You.

Oh Lord, help every Christian man and woman who is going through any form of persecution in any part of the world. Hear their plight and enable them to bear the pain as You have said in Matthew 10:22

You will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.”

Lord, give them the strength to remain firm in their faith, despite any physical, emotional or psychological suffering they may have to endure for the sake of Your name. Protect each one from harm and danger that stalks their path. Hide them under the shadow of Your wings. Support and strengthen them in the misery that they are going through.

Let Your peace, joy and love reign in their hearts, and help them to walk humbly before You, as they identify with the sufferings that You endured for them. Loving Father, may their lives, and possibly their deaths, be a fruitful witness. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

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